Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do you depart from the bathroom sink while brushing your teeth? V.s. How do you navigate your way to a new address when driving somewhere?

Do you depart from the bathroom sink while brushing your teeth?How do you navigate your way to a new address when driving somewhere?
YesGoogle or GPS
think so
As above
?Google Navigation
No, but I do bring it with me into the shower from time to time
YesGoogle maps or GPS
Naw Dawg. I don’tGoogle maps
NoGoogle maps
Yesiphone/google maps
google maps
Google or GPS
google maps
google maps
google maps

I want to first apologize for the lack of consistent data between participants. I had taken two single questions and turned them into a single survey post. So some individuals were not present on both days the survey was given (horrible survey practice, yes).
One thing that is clear from the data, is that google is a very popular choice among fellow graduate students for a mapping service. Notice too that nobody said paper maps, it seams these have gone the way of the dodo bird. It seams the rise of data plans for smart phones clearly puts static paper maps “off the map” so to speak.

As for people deviating from the sink when the brush their teeth, it seams that it’s split 50/50.
We will have to look into more data to really hone in on the answer to this question!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I was just thinking you had not posted in awhile!!
missing the random data!