Prefered Morning Beverage? | Iphone or Android? |
OJ | Iphone |
Tea | Iphone!! |
Beer | Windows |
Coffee | Blackberry |
Juice | Symbiam 3 |
OJ, NOT beer | Neither :( |
Tomato Juice, fruit juice, OJ | neither |
OJ | Iphone |
OJ | Who wants to pay an extra $30/month for data? I don’t :) |
Coffee | ANDROID! |
OJ | Iphone |
Juice | neither |
Coffee, muffin | Iphone |
Hot Tea | |
coffee | neither |
Orange juice | X |
OJ, muffin | Android |
Coffee | None |

Just as a brief conclusion, it may say something at People with iPhone’s tend to like OJ as their morning beverage. Leading us to conclude that people without a iPhone are more high strung and need that Caffine addiction to get by!
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